Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Pluses to Credit Cards

One should learn to discipline itself in life especially when it comes to spending money.

Many people find easy using cash rather than credit card, moreover whose credit card come under high debts think the same way.

Its fine with cash it's hard to spend more than you have but then there are many pluses to credit cards, too:

• They're handy for buying things online or over the phone. Sometimes credit cards are required, such as when you rent a car.

• They're handy when buying big-ticket items, as they let you avoid walking around with a big amount of cash in your pocket. Even at eating outlets you can pay with credit cards.

• Many cards offer extra consumer protections when you buy things with them.

• When you use a credit card, you end up with a handy record of your purchases. This can help
you figure out exactly where your money goes.

• Though there is a liability in an instance of fraud with a credit card but if some element gets his hands on your cash, it’s gone.

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