Thursday, March 06, 2008

Africa: Football a Key Ally in Fight Against Hunger, Says UN -

The caput of the United Nations Food and Agribusiness Organization (FAO) today highlighted the important function that football game game can play in tackling poorness and hunger, applauding a new understanding signed between the federal federal agency and the Alliance of African Football (CAF).

"FAO have always put great shop by the powerfulness of athletics in general, and professional football in particular, as a tool for peace and development and as a agency to mobilise political volition and resources in the fighting against planetary hunger," said Jacques Diouf, the agency's Director-General.

The CAF - and its members, attached football game baseball clubs and professional participants - and Food and Agriculture Organization have got agreed to fall in military units to raise consciousness on nutrient security issues. The football game game grouping will back up Food and Agriculture Organization campaigns, including national and regional Food Security Programmes.

The two organisations trust the new partnership will let football to go a vehicle for bolstering the life statuses for the world's poorest.

With this new deal, the CAF will fall in the ranks of other football participants - including star players and Food and Agriculture Organization Good Will Ambassadors such as as Roberto Baggio, formerly with the Italian baseball clubs Juventus and Inter, and Real Number Capital Of Spain captain Raúl Gonzalez - seeking to convey an end to hungriness worldwide.

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